Our story

Founded by Jasmine Barnes, developed by Mother & Daughter duo: Lesley & Lydia Berry who continue Find with the same continued ethos & values.

Find was originally created because many wellness candles that are fully natural seemed to be out of budget for a lot of people. The candles are designed for individuals who are seeking a more conscious lifestyle or who have been recommended aromatherapy for their mental health. 

Lesley and Lydia are passionate about candles and essential oils and the powers they offer to enhance mental health and well-being. Find candles are crafted using the perfect therapeutic blends.

We all light a candle to relax, however, with the more affordable candles being made out of paraffin wax and containing synthetic fragrances, many people are unaware of the level of toxins released whilst they are burning. 

Find have created 100% natural, affordable, toxic-free candles, using only essential oil blends and soy wax, with no hidden synthetics. When you’re lighting a candle for that little bit of me time, the aromatherapy blends within the candle range have a positive therapeutic impact on your emotional well-being.